You know what? I think we are
being brainwashed. Those movies are a warning for us, or we are just being
prepared for something. And yes, I do admit and I conclude that Extra
Terrestrial being exists and in the near future they will come to visit us.
Doomsday, Armageddon, Judgment
Day, End of the world, for most people, these event will someday occur and it
is inevitable for us to avoid it. Some even say it will happen on December 21,
2012, which was the end of the Mayan Calendar. For a long time, I believe this
event has some truth to it. I believe that on that fateful day, an Extra
Terrestrial being will come.
Recently, I just read an article
about the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), an independent
non-commercial organization. They said that 3 Giant Spaceships are heading
towards Earth. The largest one of them is 240 KM wide. At present, the objects
are beyond the orbit of Pluto. According to them, the objects are nothing but
Extra Terrestrial Spaceships and the ship will reach Earth in December 2012.
The date of the supposed space contact with Extra Terrestrial civilization
brings up thoughts about the Mayan Calendar which ends on December 21, 2012.
Is this just coincidence? I think
NO, just like I said, the Mayans were correct and of all the theory about
Mayan, I do believe that on that day their Gods will come back. After all, the
Mayans believe that their Gods came from the stars. As for their goal, I have
no idea. I do hope it’s for the good of mankind. But if they decided to invade
us, then I’m very sorry to say these, because we won’t have any chance at all
fighting them. Do you really think that malevolent beings travelling
light-years through space would use traditional “weapons” to fight us? Of
course not, we can’t even travel to Mars, how do you expect and ET Civilization
with technology that can travel light-years? Plus, if they actually wanted to
kills us, we’d already be dead. It’s like comparing a Caveman using only fist
versus Modern human with powerful weapon and Hi-Tech gadgets. And yes, we are
that Caveman. Nevertheless, mankind only begins to explore space. We are just
newcomers in this huge and unexplored world. Many believe that there are many
other civilizations in space besides our own civilization. But others still
refuse to believe that someday an ET will come and make contact with us. And
that is the height of human arrogance, just because we can’t do it, someone who
is above us can’t do it too.
In the end, am I just over
thinking? Or just exaggerating myself? And by the way, in case you notice, I am
not crazy. Hahaha. I’m just curious, that is all about it. But, whether these
events will happen or not on December 21, 2012. One fact remains, THEY will
come and if they do. I hope I’m still around, because that fateful day will
become a turning point of human history for good or bad. And I want to take
part of it. So, if I were you guys, WATCH THE SKIES!!!
Disclaimer. The photo used were not mine. Photo were taken from the movie titled Skyline.
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